Booking: Online booking for your customer
Workflow offers online booking for your customer
It is efficient and timesaving as you minimize the number of telephone calls during the day and thus avoid disturbances – you will be able to handle new bookings when it suits you.
In Workflow it is easy and simple for your customers to log into their customer accounts and make direct bookings to your workshop. Here the customer is able to state whether it is a question of a separate component or a complete car, and at the same time state the preferred date for completion of the job.
In the case of an insurance claim the insurance report will automatically be attached to the booking.
The interactive visualization of the actual part can advantageously be used to mark where the damage is located, and the customer is able to send you a note and add files, if any.
Internal booking – handle your bookings whenever it suits you
Your Workflow contains an extended version of the booking when you yourself handle your bookings. Here, you have the possibility of adding one of your courtesy cars and register this car in your planning calendar. You may also add different payer, if the invoice is to be forwarded to e.g. an insurance company.
When using the planning and capacity management it may be an advantage for you to state whether the customer is waiting or if the task is of high priority when creating the booking.
Furthermore, you have the possibility of stating whether the booking is for a car, a car + part, or parts only, and how many. This will then appear from the work card, which will be an advantage for the employees.
Optimisation of workflow and quality assurance of your workshop
Through online booking you ensure quality assurance of your workshop. You receive all relevant information from your customer. This information will be attached to the work card for each part. You optimize your workflow by ensuring the necessary documentation while managing your bookings.
Do you have more cooperating departments?
The work card may be easily moved across your departments if your calendar is full and the item needs to be painted elsewhere.